If you are tired of expensive unlimited prepaid surfing promo, Smart Communications, Inc. launches the cheapest unlimited mobile browsing data just for you. Opera UnliSurf 15 is an affordable data plan brought out by Smart for the Filipinos. You need to download the FREE Opera Mini App and your good to go.

With just P15, you can browse the internet for 24 hours with the use of the FREE application Opera Mini. It also comes with 15mb free data that you can use for downloading files and streaming videos. However, once you exceed the free 15mb data, you will be charged with standard rates. With Opera UnliSurf 15, you can visit your favorite websites.
It is simple to avail this cheap unlimited surfing promo, just key in OPERA 15 then send to 211 for Smart prepaid service, regular postpaid, Talk ‘N Text and Infinity. You can also choose from other data plan promos if you are using mobile broadband prepaid. Filipinos simply love being updated through social media, if you are one of them who usually read emails, update statuses in social networks and browse various website, you can avail of other Always ON promos. Choose from 5mb worth of P10 to 200mb worth of 995 valid for 30 days by typing ON (amount) and sending it to 2200, for example: ON 10 send to 2200.
With Always On promos, the amount of MB you can use is limited, to maximize your browsing experience, you can use Opera Mini as it has compression technology that can reduce data cost as much as 90%. To download Opera Mini, you just have to go to m.opera.com and choose the compatible browser for your phone. Your phone will automatically detect which browser is compatible with it. It is better to have at least P10 load as you might be charged with downloading and installing Opera Mini.
You can only use Opera Mini for Opera UnliSurf 15. Other apps that might connect to the mobile data will consume your regular load with regular browsing rates. It is better to exit or log out first from these apps before registering to Opera UnliSurf 15.
If you are using Always On promo, avoid downloading video, games, MP3 and streaming videos to maximize the promo. Make sure to read the prompt text when registering a data promo to maximize your browsing experience without worrying about your regular load.