Canada is one of the most go to destinations when it comes to immigration for Filipinos as it offers highers salaries and better compensations. Getting a job in Canada through direct hiring had been easier now compared to USA. While Canada prides of its discipline, the also takes pride of their open arms for those interested to stay in their country.

There are a lot of jobs Filipinos can choose from. Nursing is still one of the top jobs sought after by Filipinos followed by caregiving. Filipinos take pride of being one of the best in the medical profession and Canada loves the sense of hard work Filipinos have everywhere they go.
Other jobs that immigrants could choose from are hotel and restaurant related works, teaching, construction, accounting, architecture, IT, construction and others. To land a job via direct hiring, it would be better to aim for low skilled and skilled jobs since theses categories usually have a lot of vacancies.
Labor Market Opinion (LMO), now known as Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), has been required before an employer could hire a foreigner. LMIA is a document proving that the job position that only the foreign worker could fill in and no Canadian citizen could do the job. Simply put, employers should first prove that they need to hire a foreign worker because a new law gives Canadians the priority to get jobs in their country.
Before anything else, it is better to find an employer in Canada first. Do not fret, there are employers who post job vacancies online. Make sure that the job finding websites you are using are trusted and approved by Immigration in Canada.
It is also an advantage if you have a relative or a trusted close friend in Canada that can refer you to an employer looking for the same qualifications as you have. The more employers that you could find, the better chance you could be hired directly.
Another way is to apply on direct hiring agents who scheduled orientations on job opening in Canada. They are directly affiliated with Canadian employers who directly hires foreigners. The same process will be done like those of the local agencies and they will also assist you with your application in Canadian embassy.
After finding an employer, they will start processing your LMO/LMIA and other needed requirements for employment. Upon receiving your needed papers from your employer, you can then go to the Embassy of Canada in Manila located in Makati, to apply for a Working Visa. Check other requirements in the embassy. Also, prepare your SSS Employee Static Information as one of the supporting documents for your Visa.
Personal interview is no longer necessary unlike in US Embassy. As long as all your required documents are complete and consistent, expect your visa to be delivered to you soon. You should have prepared your documents personally and all your requirements must be complete if you are applying online or through a Call Center. There is no need to go through the personal interview unless you are summoned by the consul. Canadian Embassy is located in Levels 6-8, Tower 2, RCBC Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1200.
Once you have an approved visa, head to POEA for Name Hire / Direct Hire to finally be an official OFW. You will have to attend Pre-departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS). Also, do not forget to process your SSS, Pagibig, Philhealth and OWWA if you still hadn’t have these at tis point. Finally, you will be given your Exit Clearance which you must present at the departure in the airport once you fly to Canada.
Going to another country as an OFW takes a lot of courage and guts. Make sure you are ready for what awaits you and good luck!