Jam Sebastian, the half of JaMich YouTube couple sensation, had recently passed away due to lung cancer, and his mother shared that the disease could have rooted from second hand smoke.
According to Maricar Sebastian, his mother, Jam had been exposed to a lot of people who had been smoking. Despite not a smoker himself, Jam had eventually got ling cancer.

As reported by ABSCBN news, Global Adult Tobacco Survey had shared that there are around 40 million Filipinos who are second hand smokers while there are only 17.3 million Filipinos who are actually smoking.
The second hand smoke is the smoke inhaled by a non-smoker from the cigarette od a person who is smoking. Smokers and non smokers who are exposed to second hand smoke are both exposed to the dangerous effects of tobacco. Second hand smokers are at high risk of stroke, heart attack, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pneumonia or tuberculosis and cancer such as breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and others.
Read: Are you doing these top 10 Simple habits that may cause and give you Cancer?
Furthermore, the news also said that Philippines ranked the highest rate of minors who are smoking in Asia. While 28% of boys are smoking, 17% are female smoker at the age of 14-16 years old.
People continuously exposed to second hand smoke are at a high risk for cancer. These people could have a household member who smokes. Many are also exposed to second hand smoke in the public transportation, work place, casino and other areas.
The 28 year old actor-dancer had been famous with his girlfriend Michelle Liggayu after they made their love story into a short clip posted in YouTube. The story seemed to have touched many and their fan base had grown ever since.
The couple had started TV show guesting and became more known in the entertainment industry. Jam was diagnosed of lung cancer in the first quarter of 2014 and passed away on March 4, 2015.