National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) now opens OLEASS, its online application system for PNP Entrance scheduled on April 26, 2015. If you are planning to submit an application, it is better to do it earlier so as to be included in the quota.

The application period is set from March 2 till 27, 2015, however, there is a quota, so number of applicants will only be limited. When applying, make sure that you are qualified for the position you are aiming for. Be also reminded that the testing location will be computer generated based on the address you had provided in your application form.
UPDATE: Online Application for October 2015 (NAPOLCOM) PNP Promotional and Entrance Exam
Fill in the application form with the correct information. Make sure that all the information you have provided are consistent with your supporting documents. Also, make sure that all the space marked with red color are properly filled. If you forgot at least one space, your form will not be successfully submitted.
You can use the scroll bar to find your preferred region for the examination. Use the same search words you had used. Use the navigation key to select your birthdate details and use a period if you do not have a middle name.
Click submit once all the needed information had been filled in. You should see a notification message saying that your application had been successfully submitted. If you can, you may print the confirmation letter or save it for a while.
Proceed to the NAPOLCOM Regional Office which is indicated in the confirmation letter. You must bring all the necessary documents and make sure that all your ID’s are valid. Your requirements will be assessed, then you will have to pay the examination fees and then get the Notice for Admission which you ave to bring on test day.
Two sets of examinations are prepared by National Police Commission each year. One set is for promotional or for those police officers who aspire to be promoted to a higher ranks, and another set for those non police officers to be one, also called PNP entrants.
On-Line Examination Application Scheduling System has been utilized to help process and schedule the examination in 5 regions all over the country. The applications in all offices will be on first come first serve basis as they have a quota.
For entrants or civilians who want to take the test to become a PNP officer, you must be a FIlipino, less than 30 of age, has a bachelor degree, and must be 1.57 meters of height for women and men must be at least 1.62 meters.
For those who want to take the ranking test, they must be a Police officer that meets the requirements, rank and eligibility needed to acquire the rank they are applying for.