Singapore had been one of the most go-to destinations of OFW’s in the past years. The direct hiring in Singapore had been popular since it is near the Philippines and the salary is better.
Finding a direct hiring employers could now be a little harder. But if you are determined, nothing is impossible. Some directly go to Singapore and personally hand in their resume. Others apply online while also job hunting in the country. They pass their application form in in job hunting sites Jobstreet SG, The Strait Times and others. If your are fortunate to know someone in Singapore like a family or a friend, they can refer you to an employer related to your preference or according to your job experience, skill and educational attainment.

The most common jobs offered for Filipinos are computer related (IT, web developers, and Software Engineers), Medical, Nursing, banking areas such as accounting and finance, Business Administration, Design and Architecture and Customer Service and Technical Support. Food, Beverage and Hospitality related jobs are also available.
To find a job in the most efficient way, submit you resume to as many employers as you can but make sure it is related with your skills, work experiences, and degree. Even if you are still here in the Philippines, you can still pass your resume. Some employers and companies will invite you to an interview through Skype or any other video call apps. Show confidence, wit and strong will.
While it is tempting to grab the first opportunity that comes your way, make sure that you have researched well about the company you are going to work for or better yet, before passing your resume, make sure about the credibility of your employer. If the job offer being given to you has lower salary than you had expected, remember that you are still at the entry level, you can have higher salary and more opportunity once you started working there.
Prepare the necessary documents such as Transcript of Records (TOR), diploma, certificates and valid IDs. Make sure that you have made photocopies of your document. It is also good to have a scanned or soft copy format of your documents.
Once you are hired for the job, your employer will be the one to process your work permit. Singapore is now strict with hiring foreigners. Like in other countries, the employers had the responsibility to prove that no Singaporean citizen could do the job being offered and hiring a foreigner is necessary. Singaporeans are prioritize over the foreign nationals. Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower will evaluate the need to hire a foreigner. Once you are given your working permit, be sure to prove that you are fit for the job. Workers earning SGD 3,300 are given the E Pass work permit while those earning SGD 2,200 will be given S Pass.
Once your working permit had been approved, you are good to go to Singapore. Make sure that before you leave, you register yourself in POEA to be an official OFW. You must attend the Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar to give you an insight on what to expect once you get there. After attending, you will be given your exit-clearance as you depart through the airport.
READ: Get a job in canada direct hiring.