Valid ID is always important when making transactions with banks and other government facilities, and it is more convenient to have the ID’s combined in to one valid card, the Unified Multi-purpose ID. It is a card that for SSS, GSIS, Pagibig and Philhealth.
Members of these said agencies can easily apply for the card, but they must do it personally in either an SSS or GSIS branch for free.
You can use your UMID for any transaction with any government offices and agencies especially in Pagibig, SSS, GSIS, and Philhealth. It is a valid ID and can be used be applying for GSIS loans, cash advance, banks, airports, and remittances.
You can easily get your UMID in GSIS Enrollment Center if you are a government employee while SSS members like self employed, private employees and OFWs can get them in any SSS branch. For those who are both member of GSIS and SSS, it is better to get their UMID in GSIS as it has a banking feature, eCard Plus.
To get the UMID in SSS, you must bring the filled in application form and two valid IDs both original and photocopy. You can print out the application form from the website to fill it in at home to make sure that you will not forget any information such as your SSS number and the likes.
Bring the requirements to SSS. Only the photocopies will be taken and they will verify your active membership and eligibility to have a UMDI. Once your are verified, they will then capture your ID photo, signature and fingerprints. The application slip will then be given back to you together with the date when you will get your ID through mail.
All members of GSIS and pensioners must now have a UMID though they have eCard Plus already. Apply for the UMID in Enrollment Centers and GSIS Regional Offices. You can download the application form in the website. Be sure that you get the right form as there is a form with eCard Plus while there is another one without it. Bring two valid ID or your eCard Plus.
Give the documents and other requirements to the GSIS staff for you to be verified. Once you are verified to be eligible for the UMID card, they will capture your photo, fingerprints and signature. Pensioners will receive their UMID through mail, while GSIS members will get theirs through their respective Agency Liaison Officer.
Make sure that your UMID is activated. Your card will be activated in 72 hours after you have validated your fingerprints in a GSIS Kiosk. Activation is easy. Just place your UMID card on an eCard reader and your fingerprint on the scanner for biometrics, a confirmation message will be shown. Do not hesitate to ask for assistance from the GSIS staff.