An EasyJet passenger was shocked to witness the scary thing made by an Airport Maintenance Technician that she saw outside of the window that was near and applying a shiny tape to engine shell. The passenger posted a Video about the incident to a famous forum website to share the video worldwide.

First thing will ever come out to your mind is, are they seriously putting up a tape in an airplane turbine? What is the purpose? Are they seriously following the safety and hazardous guideline? You really need to read the next line.
The Maintenance Technician wearing his normal uniform with a Luminous Vest is trying to calculate the right way to use the tape. But the real thing is it not just an ordinary duct tape that you can purchase on hardware store.
It is a speed tape, an item used to repair minor problems. The tape can withstand the wind velocity, the heat made by the turbine.
Several discussions started to happen in social media sites regarding the video. Well, a good thing it is a fun fact. They also discussed the process of applying the tape, several scientific opinion discussed. Professional and safety expert also joined social media discussion regarding the issue, he said that the tape is used for minor repairs and very common in Aviation industry.
The Airport’s location was confidential to avoid certain issue. It is good information to let others know, Aviation Maintenance 101. The aviation scandal case is now officially closed.
If you are the passenger who saw the airport maintenance using that tape to repair the engine shell what will be your reaction? Source