For applicants who wants to acquire their Taxpayers Identification Number (TIN) the online application has been resumed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue last August 10.
According to Deputy Commissioner Lilia C. Guillermo that the technical issues that corresponds the eREG system has now been officially addressed. All district offices will not issue Tax Identification Numbers since it will all be available.

READ: BIR extends tax filings
By 2016, Kim Henares, BIR Commissioner, plans to convert cardboard made TIN cards to Identification Cards which are printed on smart cards. This will be a great innovation that should be implemented anytime sooner. She added that the digital TIN Cards would contain the biometrics of the applicant and flexibility will also be applied for other purposes.
The eRegistration was disabled since July 3 because of some technical issues which is why, a lot of applicants took the hassle to personally apply for it in local district offices. TIN numbers are important when filing for your taxes. In the BIR form, there’s a blank there that needs to be supplied with your TIN numbers. Also, before employers can file your Income Tax, they will need to acquire you TIN first.
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